December 2023 Issue No 4
Kia ora koutou ngā matanga nō te ao hākinakina, tēnā kotuou.
Welcome to the fourth edition of Coaches Kōrero.
Coaches Kōrero has been established by Te Korowai – Sports Performance Coaches New Zealand (SPCNZ) to recognise
and celebrate our Performance Coaching community in New Zealand.
In this issue we profile Golf New Zealand’s National Coach, Jay Carter who also established the Talking Performance
Podcast with David Galbraith and New Zealand Women’s 3 x 3 Basketball coach Justine Reed.
Andrew Longley, a team performance expert with a background in psychology & applied neuroscience shares his fourth
instalment in his ongoing series. This month he focuses on the importance of Building Trust & Psychological Safety with
athletes and coaches.
We are also excited to share, that we have a website up and running.
We commissioned BRONTË to lead the design and development of our website. Thank you to Sam and the team at Bronte for building our website.
The website will be our hub for all information and resources, so please come visit.
Our next project is to develop a logo and brand identity, so look out for that in the coming months.
We now have over 900 Performance Coaches on our databases, but they are primarily recent coaches.
We would like to grow our community, so please pass on this newsletter to anyone who you believe would be interested and also pass on their contact details to our Interim General Manager, Andrew Gaze so he can add them to our database.
Email: [email protected] or Mobile: + 64 21 443 523
Ngā mihi,
Tom Willmott
Jay Carter
When Jay Carter describes his perfect day, it epitomizes his
coaching and who he is.
He prioritises preparation and has a deep love of learning.
He loves connecting with his people and he really loves golf and his job.
“First, I’d get up at 5am and walk my dogs. I’d have
breakfast with my family before they head off to school and

Justine Reed
New Zealand women’s 3 x 3 basketball coach
Helping young women achieve their goals through the
power of sport has driven the rise of Justine Reed from
decorated player to making waves on the sidelines as head
coach of the Tall Ferns 3 x 3 basketball team.
Initially a reluctant coach, the unassuming Reed now
juggles a busy lifestyle to slip seamlessly between a
demanding fulltime role in the business world to the equally demanding world of international coach.

Andrew Longley
The art and neuroscience of high-performance coaching – Trust & Psychological Safety
Article 4 in the Series of 12
Today we’re going to take a look at another fundamental
part of high-performance coaching. We will focus on how
to create trust and a sense of psychological safety. Just
like in-group team identity is, shared trust and a sense
of psychological safety is also at the heart of inclusion &
creating a sense of belonging for your athletes. You will
love this article if that’s one of your focus areas.