Te Korowai has your back
Te Korowai has your back
- Coach Profile
Te Korowai recognize that taking care of our well-being is vitally important as coaches. After all, it’s a stressful job with performance pressures, time away from our friends and family, media scrutiny, and sometimes a lack of job security. As coaches, we regularly think about our athletes before we think about ourselves because that’s why we got into coaching in the first place – to help our athletes and teams. It’s what drives us. However, sometimes, this comes at a cost to our own well-being, which we can neglect. How can we expect to create an optimal environment for our athletes and teams if we’re not performing optimally ourselves? This is why coach wellbeing is such an important aspect of high-performance sport. For this reason, Te Korowai has your back!
At Te Korowai, we have prioritised offering our coach members expert wellbeing support and advisory services so we can be your support crew. If you’re currently struggling with your well-being or you think you’re approaching a tipping point soon, we can help. We can offer a wellbeing expert to confidentially chat with you who understands the pressures of high-performance coaching and is qualified to help you decide on your next steps. Within your NSO or sport, you may well have some great people you can speak with about your own wellbeing. However, if you don’t or you’d rather speak to someone independent of your sport, then Te Korowai are available to help.
What’s the wellbeing support offer?
Te Korowai will cover the costs of you having a 100% confidential conversation with an independent well-being expert. Every expert who supports Te Korowai and our coach community is fully vetted and endorsed by us. During your well-being support conversation, our expert will help you better understand your issue(s) and may recommend that you see a specialist who’s best placed to help you. You’re always in control, and if you’d like to gain further support, Te Korowai will recommend the best expert to support your unique needs. Again, this expert will always have been vetted and endorsed by us to give you full confidence and save you the hassle of finding a suitable expert yourself.

Who is this wellbeing support offer available to?
It’s available to all Te Korowai Full and Honorary members
How does it work?
- Get in touch with Te Korowai via a 100% confidential email provided to all members. Once you become a member, you’ll receive this email address.
- Have an exploratory and non-judgemental free 45-minute call with our wellbeing expert.
- If you identify that you’re experiencing a non-clinical performance challenge, you can access another free 30-minute coaching call to help you move forward and find solutions.
- If you identify that you’re experiencing a clinical well-being challenge that needs clinical help, our expert will make a recommendation for the professional who is in the best place to help you. They’ll also give you the biography and contact details of this professional. Then, it’s over to you and self-funded if you’d like to contact them for further targeted support.
- After a short period of time, we will check back with you once you’ve decided on your next steps to make sure you’re okay and are getting the support that will best help you.
What wellbeing challenges does Te Korowai support?
Some of the reasons you may want to reach out to us for some support may include (but not be limited to):
- A specific performance challenge in your role
- A relationship breakdown between you and your athlete(s)
- You feel that you’ve reached or are close to burnout
- A values misalignment with your sport and employer
- Stress around your career direction and choices
- Stress from being away from your family and support network for a long time
- Stress around your contract renewal
- Stress around contracting your athletes
- Stress from intense media scrutiny relating to an incident(s)
- Major sleep problems
- A mental health issue
- A dependency issue like alcohol or gambling
We want our members to know that they’re not alone. We understand how difficult the role of a high-performance coach is and the unique challenges it brings.

We have your back.